joborun linux

Jwm OpenBOx RUNit


About our logo

The last thing we worried about at this stage was artistic expression and style. Priority is on substance, code, process, standards, resources utilized, reliability, but not style.

In between builds and during breaks our great joborun system allowed us to play around with some graphic work. To portray the essence of the project with a simple graphic, we thought as the project progresses, the importance of Arch is fading away (hence the fading A), and as it became a running reality, the original goals of Obarun seemed more complete, hence the completing circle O for Obarun. We are very much against symbolism and subjective blurry thinking, we appreciate the KISS principles KISS linux was inspired by, so just don't pay too much attention to meaningless symbols.

Focus on what you have here, software meant to work well together, with less strings attached to multinational conglomerates, such as IBM/RH, Oracle, Qt, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, MS, Canonical, etc. Focus on the work of individual or independent teams of engineers who shared their good work with all of us as equals.

People and corporations have very distinct and different interests, and when we say we, corporations have no voice among us.

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